Baan Chivit Mai Foundation
Baan Chivit Mai - “home for a new life”
Baan Chivit Mai means “home for a new life”. It is an independent, local aid organization in Thailand through which hundreds of children and youths have been rescued from a life in the sex industry and drug trade.
The organization was started in Bangkok 1989 and since the beginning of 1993 it’s seated in Chiang Rai in the far North of Thailand. Through Baan Chivit Mai children in high risk situations are given a home and the opportunity to get education.
The overall responsibility rests on a local foundation, the BaanChivitMai Foundation. BaanChivitMai is registered in Chiang Rai and has a board consisting of both Scandinavians and locals.
The work ethics and values of BaanChivitMai are based upon the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and on Christian values. The corner stone of the organization is to restore human dignity for children and other exposed people groups.